Privacy Policy

Miriam Guerreiro Unipessoal Lda, with NIPC 513744240 (hereinafter "Miriam Guerreiro"), in the implementation of its activities, process personal data, i.e. all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, identification number, location data, electronically identifiers or one or more specific elements of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person, is identifiable.

Miriam Guerreiro, in cases where it determines the purposes and means of processing personal data in the course of its activities will be considered as responsible for the processing, ensuring simple compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

For the foregoing, this Data Protection and Privacy Policy is established in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter "Data Protection Legislation") and Miriam Guerreiro undertakes to carry out any and all data processing operations in accordance with the provisions and in accordance with the following paragraphs:


Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Miriam Guerreiro process the personal data necessary for the exercise of its activity, the provision of information and the operation of its channels, whether those that are provided by users, recipients of the Service or Customers for the purpose of registering requests or obtaining information, or those that are provided by those for the purposes of joining those channels, or those resulting from the use of the services provided, such as access, queries, instructions, transactions and other records relating to their use.

This may involve the processing of various direct or indirect personal identifiers, such as name, home address, telephone and/or electronic contacts, device addresses or geographical location.

The personal data collected are processed electronically, automatically or manually, including file processing or profiling and in the context of the management of the pre-contractual, contractual or post-contractual relationship with Users, Recipients of the Service or Customers, in accordance with the national and Community rules in force.

Third parties who may process personal data on behalf of Miriam Guerreiro may also access the personal data of data subjects as subcontractors, such as including, without limitation, IT services providers necessary for the operation of information systems, outsourcing service providers or cloud computing services, professionals and consultants.

The terms of this Data Protection and Privacy Policy are complementary to the terms and provisions, regarding personal data, provided for in specific communication campaigns and/or dissemination of products or services that may be carried out.


Purpose of Treatment

All personal data processed are intended for the provision of information to Users, the management of the personal information of the Recipients of the Service deemed necessary for the purposes of relationship management or communication, as well as the provision of the services contracted by the Clients and, in general, the management of the pre-contractual, contractual or post-contractual relationship with the Users, Recipients of the Service or with the Customers.

The personal data collected may also be processed for statistical purposes, for information disclosure or promotional actions and for commercial or marketing actions, in particular to promote actions to disseminate new features or new products and services, through direct communication, either by correspondence, e-mail, messages or telephone calls or any other electronic communications service.


Legal Principles

All data processing operations comply with the fundamental legal principles in the field of data protection and privacy, in particular with regard to their circulation, lawfulness, loyalty, transparency, purpose, minimization, conservation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

All data processing operations carried out have a legitimate basis, in particular either by the fact that the data subject has given his consent to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes, or because the processing is considered necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party , or for pre-contractual steps at the request of the data subject, either because the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation to which the controller is subject, or because the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Miriam Guerreiro or third parties.


Rights of Data Subjects

In accordance with current or future Data Protection Legislation, Miriam Guerreiro informs that Data Subjects have the right of access, rectification, limitation, portability, erasure and the right to oppose the Processing of Personal Data, in certain circumstances, which may be exercised in accordance with this chapter of the Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

Data Subjects have the right to obtain a complete and up-to-date list of subcontractors (if any) appointed by Miriam Guerreiro.

Users, Recipients of the Service or Customers may, at any time, exercise the right to oppose the use of their personal data for other purposes that go outside the management of the contractual relationship, in particular for marketing purposes, for the sending of informative communications or for inclusion in lists or information services.


Security and Confidentiality

To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data collected by Miriam Guerreiro, protected databases are used, among others, appropriate firewall  and passwords, in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Legislation, current or future, and in other legal terms.

Access to personal data is only possible for authorized persons who have an effective need to use the data, in accordance with the same principles of security and confidentiality.


Data Retention Timelines

Personal data will be retained only for the period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or subsequent processing, and compliance with all applicable legal rules on archiving is guaranteed.


Data Communication to Other Entities

The provision of information or the provision of services by Miriam Guerreiro to its Users, Recipients of the Service or Customers through channels may eventually imply the use of services of third parties subcontracted, for the provision of certain services, which may imply access by these entities to the personal data of Users, Recipients of the Service or Customers.

Except in the context of compliance with legal obligations, in no case will there be communication of personal data of Users, Recipients of the Service or Customers to third parties other than subcontracted entities or legitimate recipients, nor is any other communication for purposes other than those mentioned above.


Privacy Policy Change

In order to ensure its updating, development and continuous improvement, Miriam Guerreiro may, at any time, make changes that are deemed appropriate or necessary to this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, ensuring its publication in the different channels to ensure its transparency and information to Users, Recipients of the Service and Customers.



For the purposes of contact, in any matter of this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail to, describing the subject of the request and indicating how you wish to be contacted.