Preventive measures for the real estate market

Thankfully, real estate brokerages reopened May 4th, 2020!


This means we can be together again, but safely! We should keep all the good work that has been done so far. Portugal has been an example in the fight against this virus and so we must remain.


Those who know me personally know that I have always had special attention with Hygiene and Safety, whether they were mine, my family or any other, so it will not be difficult for me to comply with this new respiratory and individual hygiene label. A collective effort to combat this pandemic will be needed and your collaboration will contribute to stop the spread of COVID-19.




By potential buyers and investors:

  1. Keep social distance, at least 2m between anyone.
  2. Mandatory mask use, during the entire time of the visit(s) and/or meeting.
  3. Mandatory use of gloves, during the entire time of the visit(s) and/or the meeting.
  4. If you are unable to wash hands before each visit, disinfect your hands or gloves.
  5. It is important that only true decision makers about a possible acquisition attend the showings. Please don't bring family or friends, especially children.
  6. Don't touch anything.
  7. If you have any flu-like symptoms or increased risk of being sick or transmitting COVID-19, please contact and reschedule the visits.
  8. If you need to cough or sneeze, even if you have a mask on, please do so for your elbow.

By owners:

  1. Keep the social distance, at least 2m between anyone.
  2. Washing and disinfection of the hands, prior to our arrival.
  3. Mandatory use of mask, throughout the visit.
  4. Mandatory use of gloves, throughout the visit.
  5. The house should be cleaned, tidy and disinfected to welcome us.
  6. Open the windows and let the house air out.
  7. Leave all the doors open and some lights strategically on, so we don't have to touch any knobs or switches.
  8. Keep disposable shoe protectors available at the entrance for all who enter. If not, plastic bags, usually used for fruits and vegetables, also serve.
  9. If possible, do not accompany the visit. Wait outside, such as balcony, terrace or garden. Alternatively, choose a room of the house and stay there until the showing is over.
  10. If you have any flu-like symptoms or increased risk of being ill or transmitting COVID-19, please contact and reschedule the visit.
  11. If you need to cough or sneeze, even if you have a mask on, please do so for the front of your elbow.
  12. After the visit, sanitize again.


It is up to all of us to ensure compliance with these measures, protecting each other and thus contributing so that there is no setback to the pandemic situation in Portugal, which would be disastrous and we can resume all our lives and routines quickly, with joy and health.